
Luca Cassina of Mirakl goes through the pivotal changes that the eCommerce market is facing at the moment and how its future is expected to become.

Luca Cassina of Mirakl defines his life as a “slalom”, he started as a start-upper in the technology sector, but then he quickly acquired a leading position first in Italy and subsequently in Europe for ePayment and eCommerce giants PayPal and Amazon.

After leading roles in tech giants, he decided that a middle-sized fast-growing company was more suitable for him and has become Executive Vice President Customer Success EMEA at Mirakl, the industry’s first and most advanced enterprise marketplace SaaS platform with a crucial timing.

Indeed, the Covid-19 outbreak accelerated the transition towards eCommerce and investments in the area of any traditional business. The raise of demand is towards the creation in a virtual environment of the same conditions as a brick-and-mortar shop.

Luca discusses his predictions for the future of eCommerce from the privileged standpoint of one of the most advanced platform providers in the market.

On the same topic, you can find interesting the podcast “Mike Sutcliff, former Group CEO at Accenture Digital, on challenges and opportunities of digital transformation” and you can follow the podcast “Diritto al Digitale” on the main platforms HERE.

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